Isha Gandhi
Mechanics in High School has always been a subject of interest for me. I like the fact that it‘s a more tangible application of maths and science, although I enjoy both as subjects on their own. Mechanical Engineering is also a very broad and generalized field that would allow me to later pursue various other interests such as Energy and Product Design.
I was always keen on pursuing my undergraduate studies abroad. Germany offered me the ideal opportunity by giving me the chance to combine both my academic as well as my cultural interests. After much research, I came across Carl Benz School which seemed to be a perfect fit. It offered exactly what I was looking for, so without hesitation my parents and I decided to commit. I like that it offers exposure in many different ways, whether it be work-related or people-related. The program is very well-structured, and the majority of the subjects are very interesting, although definitely not easy rides.
On top of all that, the central location of the International Department, where CBS is located, is perfect, with an amazing view of the Karlsruhe Palace!
Living in Germany so far has been an enriching experience for me, and continues to help me grow as an individual on a daily basis. I‘ve grown very fond of Karlsruhe and the friendliness of the people here. The KIT campus has a very nice and pleasant atmosphere and that always acts as a motivating factor for my studies here. In fact, I spend so much time at the KIT library; it has almost become my second home!
Nothing is set in stone as I am still in the early stage of my bachelor‘s, but upon graduation from CBS, I would like to obtain some work experience before proceeding to a masters. I‘m looking to go into the field of sustainable development and renewable energies. Ultimately, my goal is to start and develop my own business.
(Source: http://carlbenz.idschools.kit.edu/Isha.php)
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Isha Gandhi – Student at the Carl Benz School of Engineering (CBS)