Research-Backed Detox Therapies for 40-Year-Old Men


40 Surefire Ways to Get Your Best Body in Your 40s | Best Life

When you hit your 40s, you learn very quickly that the exercise and diet routines that sailed you through your 20s and 30s just aren’t going to cut it anymore. Yes, your metabolism has slowed, and so has your body’s natural production of human growth hormone and your thyroid hormones (which regulate your metabolism).


Healthy Diet for a 40-Year-Old Man |

If you’ve spent your 20s and 30s neglecting your health, you might want to rethink that strategy when you hit age 40. Dr. Harry Lodge told “Woman’s Day” that this is when men start to see a significant increase in weight gain, as well as diseases such such diabetes and high blood pressure.

8 science-backed ways to boost testosterone naturally

Testosterone is a male sex hormone. Low levels can cause changes to the distribution of body fat and muscle strength. Testosterone reduces with age, but people can boost it with lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. Adequate sleep, nutritional supplements, and stress reduction may also help. Learn more here.


Harmonized Reference Ranges for Circulating Testosterone Levels in Men of Four Cohort Studies in the United States and Europe

The reference range refers to the distribution of the circulating concentrations of a hormone or an analyte in a specific population (1, 2). Rigorously derived reference ranges are essential for distinguishing healthy from diseased individuals and constitute the foundation of our contemporary approach to making the diagnosis of clinical disorders.


Quiz: Diet, Exercise, and Your Metabolism

Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, MS, DO on July 17, 2018 IMAGE PROVIDED BY: Peter Dazeley / The Image Bank REFERENCES: American College of Sports Medicine: “Does Exercise Affect Resting Metabolism?”


Why Your Metabolism Slows Down With Age

You’ve probably been told that as you age, you can’t eat like your younger self. That’s because your metabolism tends to slow with age, making it easier to add a few extra pounds and harder to lose them. A few reasons for this include muscle loss, being less active and the natural aging of your metabolic processes.


Age-Related Metabolic Decline and Weight Gain | Life Extension

A mechanism long known to contribute to age-related weight gain is a decrease in resting metabolic rate1-the number of calories burned when the body is at rest.


Fighting 40s Flab

Metabolism is really only a small part of why it’s harder to lose weight after 40. Age and life tend to conspire against. From the WebMD Archives It ranks right up there with “the check is in the mail,” “the dog ate my homework,” and “I will never lie to the American people.”


How Much Does Your Metabolism Really Slow Over the Years?

Your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, starts to decrease at about age 20. The decline is relatively slow and steady at first, but accelerates after around age 40 in men and 50 in women. “My metabolism just isn’t what it used to be.”


Is Obesity Associated with Altered Energy Expenditure?

Historically, obese individuals were believed to have lower energy expenditure (EE) rates than nonobese individuals (normal and overweight), which, in the long term, would contribute to a positive energy balance and subsequent weight gain.